Throughout this privacy policy ‘Life in Jesus’ refers to the name of this website whose address is ‘’ and has no connection in any form or way with any other organisation, company, website or social media with the same name.
Throughout this policy ‘this website’ refers to ‘’ and ‘you’ and ‘your’ refers to the person who is using it.
This website relies on the condition of consent as the legal basis for all its data processing activity.
What data is collected?
Personal Data
The personal data which is collected is your name, email address and IP address.
Special Category Data
Religious views are special category of personal data. Your religious views are not being asked for, but if you include any in a message you submit through the Contact Page of this website or in any follow-on emails, you are sharing those views with your fully informed consent. See the Special Category Data Notice on the Contact Page of this website and the relevant checkbox.
How is it collected?
Your name and email address are collected when you submit either of the forms on the Contact Page of this website, through an email in which you give your consent to be contacted or through filling in a form by hand. Your IP address will be collected only when you submit one of the forms on the Contact Page of this website.
Special category of personal data is collected when you submit a message containing any of your religious views by using the second form on the Contact Page of this website, or when you send any follow-on emails containing any of your religious views.
Why is your data held and what is it used for?
Your data is held to keep a record of your consent to be contacted.
Special category of personal data is held solely to read your message and any follow-up emails, and respond to you where appropriate.
Where is it held and for how long?
Personal Data
Your personal data is held securely whether in electronic or paper form at Life in Jesus. It is held indefinitely unless you ask that it be deleted and shredded or if no more emails are to be sent out.
It is also held hidden in the background workings of this website which is called the backend. It is held here for as short a time as possible and for no longer than two months.
Special Category Data
This data is held securely and only within any message you send through the Contact page form and any follow-on emails you send directly to Life in Jesus, in which you have expressed any of your religious views. These are kept in Life in Jesus’s email inbox. They will be read and replied to as quickly as possible and then deleted. They will be held for no longer than two months.
Any message you send through this website is also held in the backend of this website from where it will be deleted as soon as possible and is held for no longer than two months.
Does anyone else have access to your data?
Will your data be passed on?
No – Life in Jesus will never pass your data on or sell it to a third party.
Do you have any rights concerning your data?
You have the right to ask to see it by having it emailed to you.
You have the right to ask for it to be sent in a machine-readable format so you can send it to another data controller.
You have the right to ask that your data is corrected or limited.
You have the right to be forgotten which is the erasure of all your data held electronically and on paper. You ask for this by requesting it in a message on the Contact page of this website, or by replying to an email with ‘UNSUBSCRIBE’ in the subject box. All your held data will then be deleted and shredded as quickly as possible.
Are there any third party links?
This website contains links to other websites, and other websites and social media may contain links to this website. Life in Jesus is not connected to, or responsible or liable for, the privacy polices of any other websites and social media. When you follow a link to another website you are then under that website’s privacy policy not this privacy policy.
Does the website use cookies?
Yes. It uses essential cookies to make this website work properly and to make it easy for you to use. It also uses statistics cookies to collect and report anonymous information about how you interact with this website and it uses cookies to collect anonymous information for preferences marketing purposes. These are optional. Read the Cookie declaration here.
Can you make a complaint?
You may at any time lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in the UK by contacting the Information Commissioner’s Office at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Website –
How can you make contact with the website?
You can contact Life in Jesus by email at
sign up
for notifications of new booklets
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.